The Walking Dead: Empires
The Walking Dead: Empires is an upcomming survival MMO for PC and mobile platforms. I've been a part of the team since the project began in 2022. I've worked as both a Level Designer and Game Designer on the project.
Level Design Responsibilities
Composed and maintained all 81 playable zones in the game
Implemented harvestable resources, loot containers, enemy spawn points, navigation collision, and more throughout the game world
Prototyped interior spaces and dungeons aimed at delivering challenging combat encounters
Co-ordinated with gameplay programmers to develop and enhance 2 toolkits for world and dungeon creation
Prepared and updated documentation for all aspects of the world
Game Design Responsibilities
Created 30+ unique skills to give players avenues of specializing their characters
Prototyped 2 formats for these skills: a traditional skill tree, and a rogue-like system where 3 random skill options are presented each time the player levels up
Designed a tech tree system to add more decision-making to the base-building process
Partnered with gameplay programmers to implement and enhance the game feel of each skill